Factory08 | Contatti
FACTORY08 Smart Industry Solutions FACTORY08 is an innovative enterprise able to manage the entire industrialisation process of a product. We follow and support our clients from the conception and development, to the engineering through the industrial and process automations. FACTORY08 S.r.l. is a company active in the design and development of industrial automations, both for the hardware and for the software, and in the product innovation, able to guarantee a workflow that spans from the conception of a product to its prototyping and production. FACTORY08 S.r.l. represents an innovative industrial plant for design and product, able to combine “new” and “traditional” technologies, in the Industry 4.0 logic, in order to foster the innovation and digitalisation of production systems. FACTORY08 S.r.l. takes measures aimed at digitalising the industrial automation using machines capable of transmitting and processing huge amount of data and of performing highly complex tasks. The innovation process is thus guaranteed by the merging of two factors: on the one hand digitalisation, on the other hand automation.
FACTORY08, automazione industriale, industrial automations, industria 4.0, Industry 4.0, industrializzazione prodotto, product indusrtrialization, prototyping, prototipazione, ingegnerizzazione, engineering, grippers, riduzione costi di produzione, product innovation, innovazione prodotto,
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I nostri contatti


  commerciale@factory08.com per informazioni commerciali

Via Abbate Tommaso, 41

30020 Quarto D’Altino

Venezia, Italia


Via Abbate Tommaso, 47

30020 Quarto D’Altino

Venezia, Italia

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